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Real Estate Sales & Leasing

Experienced sales team

A sales team with collective of 35 years experience in real estate sales & leasing. Through our team, you’ll find the most comprehensive approach when dealing with properties. Our proven approach ensures a desirable outcome for our customers.

Tailored marketing strategy

We offer a tailored marketing strategy built around attracting the right customers to your property. Your listing and connects your properties with qualified buyers, saving you time and money.

Listing campaign

Our marketing team provides comprehensive listing campaign management. Buyers will find your listing across all of Australia’s major platforms. We use proven listing strategies that attract the right buyers to your commercial or residential properties.

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Complimentary professional appraisal

Receive complimentary property appraisal through our expert service team. The appraisal will provide an accurate indication of your property’s value and ensures that you can get the best value for your sale.

Extensive in-house database

SiiX keeps an extensive in-house database on Australian property. This reduces the time you spend on research, leaving it to our service team. When buying a property, comparing multiple options can help you be confident in your decision.

Private & public open for inspection

SiiX provides you with both a private and public open for inspection, staying compliant with Australia’s latest property rules. Our expert team knows Australian laws deeply, ensuring that property gains the best marketing exposure whilst staying within industry rules and regulations. 

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Finance & mortgage solution

Searching for the best financing solution can be time-consuming. Let SiiX help you by connecting you with our mortgage partners, so you don’t have to hunt for the best rates. Have confidence in knowing you are saving money while financing your new property.

Legal & conveyancing packages

Our panel of legal representatives have strict review processes in place to ensure that your property transaction is properly and legally documented, contracted and executed, giving you peace of mind.

Investment advice

SiiX uses proven data and metrics alongside expert perspectives to give you the best advice and recommendations. Be confident and rest assured that you are receiving the most comprehensive solution for your residential and commercial real estate investment.

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